Monday, April 5, 2010

Seven Deadly Sins

I am not humility

I am Lucifer

I boast about the things I am able to do

Never owning up to what I have done wrong

I am superbia

I am not charity

I am Mammon

I want more than what life gives me

I get everything I want, but it’ll never be enough

I am avaritia

I am not chastity

I am Asmodes

I use someone else to satisfy my own needs

Bonding sensation unleashes the beast within

I am luxuria

I am not kindness

I am Leviathan

The blessing one has is the curse I need to have

The poison that infects me is the cure out of reach

I am invidia

I am not temperance

I am Beelzebub

There is no end to what I may consume

Those empty spaces will never be satisfied

I am gula

I am not patience

I am Satan

Rising up in my chest is the emotions ready to spill out

Dizziness overpowers me " the frustration consumes my mind

I am ira

I am not diligence

I am Belphegor

I am slow at life " I just want it to go away

I want to become one with earth as I slowly descent into idleness

I am acedia

A proud look

A lying tongue

Hands that shed innocent blood

A heart that devises wicked plots

Feet that are swift to fun into mischief

A deceitful witness that utters lies

Him that shows discord among others

I am not the seven heavenly virtues

I am the dark demons

I am a distant shadow

My wounds heal, but my scars never fade

I am the seven deadly sins

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