Friday, April 9, 2010

A Peaceful Night

The last of the sunlight's rays set beyond the horizon;
The peacefulness settles among the world.
The whispers of the trees,
The flight of nocturnal wings,
The sounds of night hushes the world.
The moon listens, the rivers hum,
Darkness settles among the hills
The trees are quiet,
The shrubs do not stir
As Death passes along the pathway
Stopping by every organism,
Quieting the elements of nature.
Earth settles down,
The moon dances with the stars
Along the milky way;
The birds are silent,
The mice make no peep,
As Mother Earth settles down for her forever sleep.

Over and Over

I have been broken
I have been repaired
Over and over again
I stand alone
I stand protected
Confusion still dominates
I fall apart
And am never put back together
I wish it would all just end
But it just keeps happening
Over and over again
it will never end.

The Pact

They all look my way
I turn away so they cannot see
The pain that haunts my mind
The pain causing me to become crazy

I was happy once, I think
Until I broke the heart
Of the only one
That I truly loved

We both signed the pact
First she went
And now she is gone
I wept for my lost love

I could not do it
I could not go through with the pact
What would she care anyway?
She was gone.

I do not want to know about
The things I have to live without
A sword, a fierce lion, a courageous fighter
Everything I am not;
All because I did not go through with the pact.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Then I remembered

It was then that I had remembered
Yes, the moment it all came back to me
The moment my heart had failed to beat
The moment the flame whithered away and died
It was in that moment--
That single moment--
I felt pitied
I felt useless
I felt alone,
Consumed by what I felt.
I had nothing left,
Nothing to hold on to
Sorrow had left my side,
In that moment
I knew it would not be enough
To say I needed help
It was in that moment
I felt the chilled silence
I had suffered an emotional lack
Of life and of love and of happiness
I felt pained,
Forbidden to ever love again,
Yes, that was the moment
That I had remembered death.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do you hear me?

Do you hear me?
Why does it always seem
That you are so happy
With other people
But when I come along
you become depressed?
It hurts my feelings,
You know.
Too many times
I have cried over you.
I have tried to let go
But it is impossible--
My eyes burn from these silly tears
I thought you were different,
I thought that you loved everyone;
I guess I was wrong about that
Because I am the only one
That you will never love.
I wish you could feel my pain
That which I hold inside;
I hold away from you
So you don't see I have been hurt
By you.
My wounds are in plain site,
But your heart is not.

Depression Hurts

No more life
Just for a second
I am unwanted,
I am alone
I am confused,
I am depressed.

I never believed them
That depression hurts
Now I feel abused
I feel lost.

I feel cursed,
I feel invisible,
I feel hated.

Depression hurts.
And it won't go away.


Everything in life is wrong;
Everything I do is wrong;
What I do makes people sad--
People hate me for what I've become.

I was once happy--
They think it was her fault,
But it wasn't because she was my friend.
At least she stuck up for me unlike everyone else.

But everything is wrong.
Everyone was wrong.
I am wrong.


I listen to the songs of the birds;
The humming of the wind against the trees;
I think that this won't last very long--
It will all be over soon.

But I don't have to spend time
With any of the people that I love
Because they don't love me back--
They would be able to live without me.

How it Feels

This is how it feels:
Love is terrifying
Happiness is a knife
Roses are Death
I try to love them
Me--alone in a world filled with crazies
Me--a snake as cruel as the burning sun
I am only a reflection
I am a tissue: used and thrown away.
So this is how it feels:
The past is a shadow
Tears of blood
Life begins to fade.
It is more than just a lost life.
Coins will buy no time.

Roses are Red I

Roses are red,
Violets are blue
Cashews are nuts
But you don't have any
Because you were stupid
Not to believe me
When I believed you
And you lied
To my face.
You said it was true--
You said it would happen
I never left--
You never came.
I stood there--
You walked away.
I said I love you--
You said I don't care.

Roses are Black

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I’ve always had,
More emotions than you.
The roses have wilted,
The violets are dead,
There’s way too much info,
That I’ve already said.
The red turns to black,
And blue turns to gray,
There’s nothing more,
That I shall say.


Sometimes I wonder if they really see me
Or if they see the girl I show, even if it's not the real me
I wonder if they judge the type of person I am
I wonder if I judge them as much as they judge me
Do they judge me at all?
But what I don't get is why they won't talk to me.
My world is ruined because of them.
I tried to kill myself because of them.
I needed help because of them.
It's all their fault.
I betrayed them.
So they betrayed me.

Invisibility II

You walk down the hall
I say hello
You pass by my side
I say goodbye
I feel all lonely,
I feel deserted
I guess you never loved me.


The cold icicles of winter
Feel cold after running
Miles and Miles
And the fresh air
Rushing through your lungs
The trees with the snow
The grass veiled in white
The sun--
Yellow and barely warm--
Covered by clouds,
Blurry to the eyes--
The sky is gray
And at least if you are sad
There would be no blue sky
To make you feel worse
The wind is cold and freezes you--
You become numb.
The water is cold and may kill you
Like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.
The air is cold and chills the lungs
Hurting the intestines, freezing your blood.
Appreciate the winter
Because you never know
When your last day is.

I Love You Too

It's hard to tell a person that you love them
Because you have no idea
What they are going to say back to you
You don't know
If they are going to say they love you back
Or if they are going to say that they hate you
It takes so much--
Only a little bit of hate to hurt a person
But so much love to heal a person
Because you can never heal that person fully--
They are still bruised inside and out.
But if you say you love someone
And they say it back,
You'll feel so good inside
Because you know that they meant it
And then you would be so happy--
But it's easier to feel happy and alone,
Than to feel miserable with company
So go out and say that you love your friends
And you love your family, your lover.
Be happy and make others feel happy
And make sure
That you love yourself as well.


*This is like my poem Love*

I always thought
That maybe dreams could come true
But that's hard to make those dreams
To come true
It may almost be impossible
To make things
Like love
Come true
Love. Hate. Friendship. Desire.
The only things that come from those
Are loss and pain
Stabbing through your flesh
Like a knife
Cutting deep into your heart
To find the soul
That once was there
But is no more
Dreams don't come true
You have to make them come true
But no one cares
About your dreams--
All they do
Is just smash them
Into a million pieces
And it hurts so much--
The pain inside--
Like small shards of glass
That you cannot remove.


Love always lies
At the bottom of the sea
Of loneliness--
If it does not swim to the top
It cannot breath--
It suffocates.
That is why
Relationships do not stay together
For long.
Love must swim to the surface
To breathe. To live.
Once Love can reach the top
Of the bitterness and cold
And the heart unfreezes
It can do anything.
Love can desire for
Another's heart
Or break their heart
Or want to live peacefully
With the one it really loves
Love is one special element on this earth--
It is priceless.
Don't let it go--
Keep the heart safe and away from danger of being split
Because it is not the cold glass heart
That is broken, but the Love--
The soul inside of the heart.
And if the heart is broken
It is forever lost
In a sea of darkness
Keep it. Cherish it.
That is Love.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Alone II

I sit alone and try to love them
I sit alone and drown in tears
I sit alone and try to speak
But nothing comes out
I am forever silent to the bone.

I speak words of the Dark Lord
I speak words that kill
I speak words of wisdom
But it never is the truth about my past
I'm a hypocrite.

I sit alone and try to love them
I sit alone to think of how I may
Conquer my ultimate fears.
I sit alone and try to love them
I sit alone and laugh like Death.


I sit alone in the corner,
Sunshine so bright it blinds me--
The birds melt away their sadness.

All those who deserve to die
Are still living, it's not fair--
All those who deserve to live
Are gone, it's not fair.

But sometimes those
Who deserve to die
And who know they deserve to die
Make it quick, painless.

The world is faded behind them.
The breath fogs their brains
The memories are faded forever.

I sit alone and think of my life,
I sit alone and try to laugh--
I sit alone and think of death,
I speak those silent words.

Invisibility I

The worst feeling in the world is loneliness
The loneliest feeling in the world is invisibility
Because no matter how much I talk
No matter how much I show myself
No one will notice, no one sees.
The hands of time pass by so slowly
Nothing works to show I am there.
The feelings are so hateful inside my mind--
Every day it happens over and over
I am sucked into the river, never able to get back out
Drowning in loneliness--
No matter how much I scream,
I'll still die because no one hears me.
No matter how much I try to swim to shore,
I sink farther and faster like a rock that no one sees or cares about.
No matter how much I try to live my life to the fullest
I am still dying on the inside.
I am torn apart by the rose thorns
I am marked by the scars no one sees--
They turn away when I enter into the room.
They look right through me as if I'm invisible--
I have let down my guard.
I stood strong covered by the armor that has suddenly uncovered me.
I feel naked behind my happy mask.
As I take it off I am shattered to pieces
I feel blind, unable to see my pain, unable to conquer my fears
The sword threatens to impale me with it's piercing blade
And kill me with the venom of a thousand times seven voices
Screaming at me to wake up
To wake up to reality
Which is my darkest nightmare
I can't get away from the darkness--
I have become the Angel of Death
They thought that I had been cured
But I had lied my whole life away
My heart slipped and is broke in ten million pieces
That will never repair
Because the pieces are too small to see.
My soul is vulnerable--
It has been dominated--
By hatred--
By dismay--
By loneliness--
And mostly by pain
I hate the curse of a thousand words
Telling me that I am invisible.


Running, Running
Running from her fears, Running from her pain
Shoes slipping against the pavement
Breathing heavily
In, out, in out, in, out
Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hid
Watch it!
Tears of blood running down
Across the cheek, the legs, the arms
Like waterfalls
Hair slapping the face ferociously
Rushing. Running
Blood gushes from her knees
From the hands
Face is pale, hot, clammy
Where to run?
Pain rushes through the body to the head
The adrenaline rushes faster
Nowhere to go
Start running again
Before you get caught.


Happiness sits on the sidelines
On the bleachers as the game plays
No one sees her
No one notices,
No one even looks at her
No one even knows she's there
No one even knows she exists
She just sits and watches
The game play out
She knows that people miss her
And without her they are nothing
But now they think they can keep living without her
They think they can make their own happiness
But they are wrong
The so-called happiness that they show
Is just hidden hate, but they don't know.
Happiness stands up
Knowing that her place is making people happy
Not sad and miserable
Go, Happiness.
Spread yourself through everyone in the world.
Make them happy that you are there.
That is what Happiness is there for--
Hence the name Happiness.

A Young Teenager's Voice and Heart

People always say
That teenagers are all the same
Hyper. Happy
And always joyful
But that isn't all true
A young teenager has a voice and heart
And a mind
And a soul that no one sees
Because they never look
But if they did they might actually see
The young teenager's voice and heart
Some teenagers are sad and depressed
Because people judge them
And don't listen to them
But one day they must listen to
A young teenager's voice and heart.

Alone in the Rain

Being cold and alone
Is like being in the dark rain
Without an umbrella
It's scary and lonesome
You wish there would be a building
That you could heat up in.
A person to keep you company
But there isn't
Everyone else is safe in their own homes
Warm and quiet
Having a fight inside the house
Is better
Thank having to stay in th rain
Cold and alone by yourself
With no one at all to care for you
But maybe you might see
A taxi, or a large tree you could stand under
To keep you company and to keep you dry.
Maybe being alone isn't so bad after all,
You get to see the world
And see things that you never get to
When you always are with someone else.
It's nice to have a friend
But it feels free to be alone--
Even in the rain.