Monday, April 5, 2010

Loving the Death

Sometimes I feel that I have lost
Somethings that, to me, is a definite must
Hating life, and death I love
I'd rather go down there than above
I hate my life but I don't think I want to go
But I know my self-esteem is so low
My stomach hurts so much from the screams
But on the inside, the only side that seems
That no one sees, it's only the outside
That people look for, but I prefer the inside
My sides hurt so much and it hurts so bad
But when people think more of me it makes me so mad
I hate that people think I'm smart
I hate that people think I have a good heart
I hate my life, but I must not lie
I've tries so hard to make myself die
But I'm such a failure at every single thing
I have a deep dark side that sees nothing
Nothing that's good, everything bad
Would killing myself actually make people sad?

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